Sunday, November 10, 2013

Transforming Two Old Chairs with Chalk Paint and Fabric

I picked up two rather nondescript chairs at a garage sale. They desperately needed a new look.

I decided to start my project finding material and then choose the chair color that would coordinate with it. I fell in love with a deep red silk-like material with brownish gold bees embroidered on it.

Soft brown was used as the base coat, with American Paint Company's Amber Waves of Grain as top coat.  I distressed both chairs so the original brown and the soft brown lightly showed through. Annie Sloan wax was applied to protect the painted surfaces, after 24 hours "cure" time the chairs were buffed.

 Next step was to upholster the chair cushions and secure them to the chairs.
 I love the combination of the red and yellow, and think the chairs make colorful statement pieces.

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